The Emperor has no clothes, and neither does the Jester.

The Emperor has no clothes, and neither does the Jester.
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

I’m declaring myself mentally unavailable for the next four months regarding politics. I am so over the election bullshit. There is no way I can feign interest any longer. I said for years that we had been racing along a road and not paying attention to where we were going, and now the edge of the cliff was approaching, but no one seemed to notice or care. 

Our problem comes from a choice we must make between two candidates who are equally detestable to the American people. This has caused a major problem with the credibility of our entire system. We have no good options, just the one we detest less. This is no way for a democracy to survive and prosper. Instead, this is the proven method of losing democracy to Fascism and authoritarian regimes. 

This election is framed as a contest between democracy and Fascism, and that is undoubtedly true. However, the side representing democracy lacks a powerful message to deliver in response to the threat. To make matters even worse, speaking this truth invites extreme criticism from the Left when they stand to lose more than anyone else under the status quo and the existing political system. 

Ordinary, average Americans lost their voice long ago to the corporate and business elites and the religious manipulators. The media willingly turns away from the vital questions and pretends that stupidity is a viable point of view when choosing our elected leaders.

The best analogy to this election is the South Park episode, where the election was between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. This is almost literally how far we have sunk. 

I see disturbing similarities between this election and 2016. Democrats have chosen almost the only candidate who could very well lose to a documented liar, a convicted felon, someone who willingly tried to overthrow an election, and a Fascist/Nazi. The Democrats will tout their candidate and then gasp in amazement if he loses because their strategy of mediocrity never changes. All the signs are there pointing to disaster.

Republicans spent years building up a record of personal attacks on Biden. They will vote like the preprogrammed automatons that they are to support their Dear Leader. That is part of their game plan and where I place the blame entirely on the media for not fact-checking and refusing to give air time to stupid bullshit claims. 

I call a curse on both parties at this point. They are both complicit in the erosion of our democracy: one, the Republicans because they actively strive to destroy it, and the Democrats because they won’t attempt to save it with any conviction or motivation. 

There is an entire generation of Americans that have grown up with little or no interest in voting because we have allowed our elections to become strictly organized clown shows run by forces we cannot openly challenge and starring candidates that no sane person would ever nominate for such important positions. 

That’s my opinion. I’ll vote for Biden. I still predict that hateful responses will come from the Left. Remember that I’m so left-wing you can’t even find me. I refuse to blindly accept our choices because I no longer believe they are genuinely representative of the people they are pre-appointed by those already in power. 

So save your little itemized list of talking points. I’ll never vote for a Republican, but I also refuse to be pushed into blindly supporting a Democrat. 

We can and must do better. 

Be kind to each other.